29.1 Understanding the purposes of music videos Alfie Penfold
This assignment is going to contain the different purposes of music videos and the understanding I have grasped from this within lessons. Promotion of a particular song - Mobb Deep - Shook Ones
This song was made in 1995 by Mobb Deep (the artists). At the time this song was made, Mobb Deep were up and coming rappers from Queens Bridge NYC. The video promotes the song very well, this is because its easily memorable. There are many reasons for this, one is because of the large and oversized hockey Jerseys they're wearing, this is memorable because people these days usually don't wear clothes that oversized. The image on the right shows Prodigy (artist) driving, this is raw footage, we can infer from this that it seems more real and raw compared to if it were edited with CGI. We can also infer that the editing on music videos hadn't been fully grasped yet. This song has been promoted in many different ways such as Eminem's movie 8Mile, in one of the scenes Eminem says 'You scared to death, you scared to look you shook', this is in the chorus of 'Shook Ones'. Because part of this song was used in the film, it could increase popularity for Mobb Deep, although they were popular because they made it. Plus they made songs with many different artists, such as Nas, 50 Cent, Nate Dogg. The rap beat is one of the best worldwide, even to this day and people use it world wide for other freestyles and rap media. This single was made in 1995, so the internet was not around for promotion. The only way it would've been promoted would have been to either take the track to a record label, sell the tracks in person or find another way. Whereas now days we have the internet and many different streaming site such as 'YouTube, Tubidy, Spotify , etc'. It is easier to promote music in todays times because of all these sites, but when the song was released it was 10x harder.
Promotion of a new artist - Obie Trice - Rap Name
The song was released on October 22nd 2002. This song is a good example of promoting a new artist because Obie Trice was signed to Interscope/Universal Records. This is Eminem's record label, we know this because Obie Trice (artist) says at the beginning 'Em signed another black boy like he nigga happy'. In the image on the right shows Obie selling albums on the street, this shows that before you make it this is what you had to do. This is also shows how hard it was to make it and try to sell records and albums, you can also see that people are excited to get his album (picture top left). The little boys mouth is open so this can be out of shock for the new album, or that Obie is a rising star and started off in his area. Although its promoting Obie, it also drops lines from Eminem's songs. The 6 second introduction is from Eminem's song 'Without Me', this also promotes Eminem as a rapper. The fact that the title of the song is 'Obie Trice feat. Eminem' shows that its Obie's song, but with the feature of Eminem it will increase popularity because Eminem was and still is one of the best rappers in the world. This song was also featured on the movie 8Mile, people who watched this may have wanted to know 'What song is that? Who's the artist?' this would increase money for Obie and even more for Eminem because he's featured on the track, plus if people bought the movie. This song was Obie's debut track and it includes lyrics from other songs like 'Notorious BIG - Long Kiss Goodnight'. People could like this and want to listen to him more. Contrastingly people may dislike this, this could be good but bad for Obie. Because this was Obie's debut, if the song didn't do well then it would look like Eminem had signed someone who would never rise, this would decrease Eminem's fans. This song successfully promoted Obie Trice, this is because his fan base increased, his money went up and he grew to world fame. Increasing income for the Record Company - Gorillaz - Empire Ants
This song was produced by the band 'The Gorillaz', this song was released in December 15th 2010. This song is different from the other songs i have used. This songs genre is alternative/indie, this makes it unique from other songs in the world. The song is telling the story of the album, the picture top right is from the song 'Stylo'. The fact that this album is in a series will increase the income for the record company because, you can't fully grasp one of the albums songs without knowing all of them. This is because the whole album is a story, and without you knowing one song, the rest will be a mystery... In the screenshot (top right) if you look closely you can see a small icon at the bottom right of the screen, this is the front cover of one of their albums 'Demon Days'. The icon is also a link to their YouTube channel. Having this as a link to the channel will increase income because people will wonder 'what's that icon', etc. Also Gorillaz were signed to their own record label, so all the income they get, goes straight to them and they work for themselves. This music video is not your typical video, it is unique because it has art work instead of a generic recorded music video. It is further unique because the art work tells the story of the album. The video has different shots from the music videos but put in art work, as below.
The music video is telling an emotional story about the band, this brings the audience into the story and gives you a unique connection with the band. With this connection you can build a relationship with the performers, like a movie or a book. This is very effective because it brings us closer to the singers and all of the songs.
The final image of the song (left) is of the 'thing' the Gorillaz have been running away from, this thing also looks like 'The Empire Ant'. We can infer that because its the final image in the song, people have been wondering 'what the song is about? Who they are singing about? What this person looks like?' Also because its the final image, it is seen as the most memorable and iconic image. This thing also has it's head down, with blood coming out of it. You can say that the Gorillaz are fed up of running and they had to kill this thing. Having all of these images will increase money for the record company because the video is so unique that people will want to view it, this will increase income because the views will add up.
Promotion of and synergy with another media product - Sucker for Pain
This song was released on June 24th 2016 as part of the movie 'Suicide Squad'. This film is based on a group of misfit villains who are trying to saving the world. It is very ironic that the villains are trying to save the world, because usually they are the ones trying to destroy it. This song promotes the movie in many various and successful ways. One way that it does this is by getting clips from the movie and putting it into the video. Also the producer bases the rappers looks and attire on the characters within the film. A good example of this is when the rapper Logic is wearing a straight-jacket. This shows that he is being restrained, we can infer that he is being restrained from being the person he is destined to be. You can also say that the straight-jacket is blocking his freedom of speech.
The camera angles within this video vary from long shot to close up. The image below is a mid-shot of Logic holding his hands up in the motion of a gun. This is a good image because it shows that Logic broke out of the straight-jacket, he isn't being held back anymore. Also the part in the song says 'i see my enemy, like wassup, hol' up, we finna reload up' this means that whenever he sees an enemy... its on. Also the song relates all of the rappers to the characters by having them in chains, traps or cells.
The image on the left is of a man playing with fire, the image before this was a rapper in a burning cage. You could say these are linked and they signify that you shouldn't play with fire. The camera angle is a mid shot. Also the guys face isn't that clear but you can see he is interested and fascinated by his powers. The person also has tattoos all over his face, this could symbolise that he is crazy and is not normal. Because this song is also in a movie it'll bring money for the artists in both ways and this will probably double their profit. Increasing the range of media the artist is involved in - Eminem - The real slim shady
This song was released in 2000 as a part of Aftermath Entertainment/Interscope Records. This song shows that Eminem has a very unique mind for rapping and he is very creative. We know this from his mind to diss other known celebrities and tell people the truth about the world. In this track Eminem disses many famous celebrities such as Christina Aguilera, Pamela Anderson, Tom Green, Will Smith, Britney Spears, etc. Eminem's creative mind for rapping stemmed from battle rapping. This video further shows that Eminem can use humour within his raps. An example of this is when he talks about Britney Spears and the other celebrities faults and what they had done. This music video also shows everyone that Eminem can act, this is shown through his scenes within burger king, there are other examples such as when he is on the reality TV show (depicted below). This scene of Eminem shows that he can integrate conversation within his songs. Another example of this is 'Eminem ft Dr Dre - Guilty Conscience'. During the making of the Real Slim Shady, there were many people claiming to be Eminem.
This song is sending the message to everyone that nobody can copy Eminem. The image on the left shows Eminem as the reporter, this shows that he can adapt into a completely different role that we don't associate with him. Also with all of these different roles Eminem plays it shows off his acting skills and his humorous side to the world. At 2:18 Eminem says 'theres a million of us, just like me, who cuss like me, who just don't give a f*@k like me, who dress like me, walk talk and act like me, might be the next best thing but not quite me'. This is saying that anyone and everyone can act or be like Eminem, but nobody can be the real Eminem. This video was one of thew reasons that Eminem was able to make it into the acting world, he starred in many films and made his own about his life '8Mile' this film got excellent reviews and is very exciting and interesting to watch, this is because you find out about Eminem's back story. Finally, the point Eminem is trying to get across is that no-one has the style and the uniqueness he has, and people can try and copy it but will never master it or become Eminem.
Promotion of an artists album -Section Boyz - Don't Panic
This song was released January 25th 2016. The artists are Section Boyz. They all grew up in South West London , mostly Thornton Heath. This song is called 'Don't Panic'. Section also made an album Don't Panic, this song featured on the album. The intro to the song says '6 figure music baby' and you can see in the screenshot below it says the time and location as to where they are, this makes the video seem more realistic and it makes it seem like a film.
The image to the left says 'Visuals By Kaylum' we now know who done all of Section Boyz music videos for this album. Kaylum is the music video producer, so all the edits, cuts and scenery layout was done by him. The Section Boyz mixtape 'Don't Panic' was released on September 18th 2015.
This image to the left shows a few of the rappers making pistol signs with their hands. You can see that the camera angle is slightly below eye-level, this could be showing an intimidating view and image. This music video also shows the image of most rappers nowadays because they all rap about is drugs, guns, money and women.
This image on the right shows the group holding their hands up in the air. You can see that the camera is at a high angle, also the camera pans up and down and the tempo of the video changes from fast to slow. Having the camera at this high angle shows that the camera is panning up and down. Also it could be saying that they are looked down upon by society.
To conclude, there are many different types of music videos, with different styles. They can range from Classical to Rap/Grime. However within these music videos, some themes are the same. These 6 different sections within a music video add up and make everything excellent within the video. All of these sections integrate with eachother and perfect the music video. A music video